Julian Light Operatic Society

Light Opera in Ealing for the enjoyment of all.

Shows of JLOS

JLOS perform two productions per year with it's main one at Questors Theatre, Ealing normally in the autumn. The other interim production takes the form of a fund-raising concert, now at Questors Theatre, studio space, next year in early April.

The main show is fully staged as can be seen from the photos and is accompanied by a small orchestra. The production design is undertaken by our director and scenic designer and scenery constructed and installed by the company. We have a professional lighting designer who constructs the plot in collaboration with the director. Sound design is also planned and installed for each production. Costumes and props are sourced and hired as appropriate. We also usually employ a professional makeup artist.

orchestra players Pinafore crew Pinafore name-plate

Fund raising Concert

In the Spring we put on a fund raising event to try to recoup some main production losses. This in the past has taken the form of a cabaret evening in that the audience sat at tables with drinks etc and in the interval were served a light buffet by the cast. For the last two years, however, it has been a traditional concert. The entertainment is based around a theme and musical numbers are chosen for both chorus and soloists. Accompaniment is provided by our repetiteur Jan Cunningham on the piano. This event provides an opportunity for chorus members who might not get a principal part in a main show to put their names forward as soloists and we encourage any member interested to do so.

Our last 2 Shows

Ruddigore 2024

Ruddigore 2024

Mad Margaret

Iolanthe 2023

Iolanthe 2023

Fairy Queen with Fairies