Julian Light Operatic Society

Light Opera in Ealing for the enjoyment of all.


We rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7.45pm to 9.45pm at Haven Green Baptist Church, Castlebar Road, Ealing W5 2UP. To join us, simply come along to one of our rehearsals and introduce yourself. You will be made very welcome, and be informed of the joining process. It is very easy, and initially involves no cost. If you don't want to buy your own copy of the vocal score (the words and music), you can borrow one for a returnable deposit. Music for carols and the concert is made available on our website.

After rehearsals, we go for a drink at the Grapevine bar at Questors Theatre.

conductor with band Josephine in Pinafore15 Buttercup with crew

Friendly Society

You don't have to audition to join the company, but you are expected to be able to sing in tune, act a bit, turn up when required, and pay your subs! After coming to a few rehearsals, if you decide to join, the membership secretary will give you a membership form to complete and you'll be asked to start paying subs. We regularly hold social and fund-raising events, such as a quiz or barn dance, or just meet for dinner or a drink.

The JLOS Year

Our main show is in October, after which we rehearse for carol singing at Ealing Broadway Centre for charity. In the New Year we start rehearsing for our concert which is held in April for a couple of performances at Questors Studio Theatre. We then start rehearsing the music for our main show.

We break for summer in late July, returning in mid-August to start work in earnest on the show, introducing stage movement while committing the words and music to memory. We usually have a couple of Sunday afternoon rehearsals, a week or two before the show. The show, at Questors Theatre, is usually mid-October. This year's dates are 16th - 18th October.


New members get their first month of membership free and will then pay the current sub. rates. Standard subs. are £27/month unless you either pay by standing order, or pay in advance, in which case it's £22/month.

Little Buttercup

If you're a full-time student or otherwise have a limited income, speak to the treasurer - we have a policy of never refusing membership on the grounds of hardship.

50 Club

50 Club is a voluntary, fund-raising scheme for the Julian. For £5 per month, you get a ticket for the monthly draw for cash prizes totalling £400 over the course of a year. Most people find that adding the £5 to their monthly subs. standing order is the most convenient way to pay